Friday, January 9, 2015

January 9, 2015

Today I watched a video on sign language that goes over basic words. The link to the video is All of the words that are on this video include: mom, dad, boy, girl, marriage, brother, sister, grandpa, grandma, aunt, uncle, baby, single, divorced, separate, home, work, school, store, church, come, go, car/drive, in, out, with, day, night, week, month, year, will (future), before (past), today (now), finish (all done), hot, cold, pizza, milk, hamburger, hot dog, egg, apple, cheese, drink, spoon, fork, cup, cereal, water, candy, cookie, hungry, shirt, pants, socks, shoes, coat, underwear, wash, hurt, bathroom, brush teeth, sleep, nice/clean, happy, angry, sad, sorry, cry, like, good, bad, love, please, excuse, thank you, help, who, what, when, where. why, stop, big, tall, full, more, blue, green, yellow, red, brown, orange, gold, silver, dollars, cents, cost, cat, dog, bird, horse, cow, sheep, pig, bug.

I am learning these words because I think it will be easier to put together sentences after I've learned many simple words. These simple words are used in everyone's everyday vocabulary. I also think that me learning these will help me understand what people are saying who do use sign language.

20% Time Project Proposal

20% Time Project Proposal


Name: Emma Grant

Project Title: Learning Sign Language

Project Start Date: November 7, 2014

Project Completion Date: May, 2014

Mentor’s Name: Haleigh Jinright, Morgyn Jones, Mrs. Browning, my parents

Brief Description: For the rest of the year during the time that we have 20% time I will be trying to learn sign language. I chose to learn sign language because I’ve always wanted to know how to use it. I have always wanted to know how to use it because I think I might need to be able to use it one day. What if I ran into a deaf person and they were confused and they needed to speak to me, they wouldn’t be able to because I didn’t know sign language, but now that I am learning it they would be able to communicate with me.


Overview of Project Proposal


1) Project Objective: The project objective is to be able to communicate with sign language for at least one sentence, and know the alphabet in sign language.


2) Project Rationale:


3) Project Steps:  I have already learned my name in sign language. Now I am trying to learn simple words. Next I would want to be able to say a complete sentence.


4) Timeline of Activities: First I’ll learn names. Then I’ll look over the alphabet and try to learn common words that are used in sentences frequently, and eventually I would like to learn the whole alphabet in sign language. Then I want to be able to say a complete sentence.


5) Available Human and Material Resources: Being able to use sign language would help me communicate with people who can’t hear.


6) Possible Road Blocks: One road block would be me finding sign language too hard, and wanting to do something different. Another road block is that I could find that learning sign language is too easy, and I would get bored of it.


7) Research Questions:

1. What is the sign language alphabet?

2. What are some techniques for learning sign language?

3. What are some common words in sign language?

4. Who invented sign language?

5. About how many people in the world are deaf?